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GenomiqueENS - IBENS
46 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
[Site web]
Email : genomique[at]


So excited ! second run in with the new
R004 flowcells 🎉 1st run yielded 1,6M reads with median quality >Q20. 2nd run : 8.7M, still running…

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New study with our collaborators from PhyMA reveals how T3 and T4 impact gene expression in Xenopus laevis, shedding light on cell cycle regulation and immune system effects. We constructed the library and performed sequencing.

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New study challenges classic view of autonomic innervation! Using with our collaborators at IBENS, we uncover distinct neuron classes reshaping understanding of pelvic organ control. We constructed the library and performed single-cell sequencing using .

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